Thursday, January 17, 2013

The first official post of 2013!

Finally the time has come for me to begin my blog!
Many may never see this, but that's ok too!

Let's see, about me... Well I am a MAC and PC Technician a little more advanced than just your typical "PC Tech" guy. I am not a geek squad or other such form of low-pay techs. No sir, I make a very nice salary, and it is all thanks to God almighty who found mercy in His heart for me and gave me this job and this terrific pay! I work at MD Anderson cancer centers of America in Houston. I service all Apple and PC systems collectively. I remain the last point of support for issues that need to be resolved throughout the medical institution.

I am in no means wealthy, but I am not destitute either. Let's put it this way, A Tesla Model S is not unattainable for me, and payments are something that will not be necessary.

In speaking towards cars, you may come to know me as a Honda enthusiast, and those who really know me well, know that I am by far the most extreme Honda enthusiast!
All my vehicle purchases (as long as Honda doesn't change their formula for making the most reliable, dependable, strongest residual value automobile on the market) will be Honda's or of the Honda family (Acura).
Currently I am awaiting the arrival of the 2014 Honda Accord Plug-in to Houston in April, at which point I will be buying this car, and I am VERY excited! I do my research heavily on other cars and do not tolerate asinine comments that are not researched with facts!

Of all the reviews I have read regarding this new Accord PHEV, I have yet to hear negative comments. Now there are those who say it is ugly and blah blah blah! But, that's all in the perception of the person who says this, not everyone. An educated person would recognize that though it may be ugly or not as common as some of the other cars people are used to seeing; the things that seem "unsightly" or "ugly" are aerodynamics at work! The wheels, the front fascia, the undercarriage, even the little spoiler is all standard and aerodynamics designed to make the car break through the wind easier and save more fuel. It may not look all that pretty to everyone, but I don't care as long as it's helping KEEP money in my bank! I don't buy cars so others can enjoy it, I buy it because I want to enjoy it. When I say "so others can enjoy it" I mean the people who buy certain cars with certain names, so people will say "Oh! What a nice car, you must be rich!" Either to them, or by the reaction their minds tell them that they're getting from people. I NEVER give them the satisfaction of thinking I am looking at their car, I look the opposite direction as soon as they notice my approaching. This way there is never any thoughts in their minds that I am ogling their stupid car! Yes I mean BMW and Mercedes, no one can tell me they buy Merc's or BMW's because they're great cars! That's TOTAL BS! Those cars have made a MASSIVE reputation for breaking down and being very unreliable and have very VERY poor residual value.
I say the PHEV is fine, and cannot wait to get my hands on mine!!

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