Saturday, January 19, 2013

This Sabbath Day

Well, today is the Sabbath, and in posting this blog I listen to the sermon by Mr. Richard Ames "Distractions, Deceptions, and Detours".

Makes me think of my current situation now. Am I being distracted now? What distracts me? What is distracting me? How do I identify it? How can I defend myself against it?
Those who do know me, know that I have removed FaceBook from my life and eliminated that distraction. Well, I eliminated that distraction, but adopted a blog. Have I deceived myself into believing that I have eliminated a distraction by eliminating one and adopting another? Blogging? Distracting? NAH! But, is it? Perhaps it is a detour? What leads me to my point...

God's Holy Sabbath Day is a day to be revered and eliminating your everyday routine and essentially transforming your life around to being specifically and strictly focused on God. Does this mean that only ONE day a week I focus on God? NO! NOT EVEN SLIGHTLY! For EVERYDAY should be lived in the eyes of the LORD! What does this mean? Well, as it was described to me as a child, and the best way to describe it now, "For God there are no roofs, ceilings, walls, or doors. God see's all and knows all! You cannot hide yourself from the eyes of God!"
Not just because of this, I mean that because God see's all and knows all, what do you want God to see you doing? Do you want God to see you sinning or praying? Cursing or singing His praises? God Loves us all, and wants us to be a part of Him, and His lifestyle, His way of life! His way only instructs the way to protect ourselves, and live prosperously, and safely and happily! God's way doesn't yield any unhappiness, or sadness, or temptation! Satan leads us in this direction! For God and His way of life, depression does not exist! Depression is an emotion/sickness of the mind that Satan encourages and is Satans emotion invention! Why would he want that? Satan wants to destroy God's children, not help them! God said our bodies are the temple of God, and "do you not know that you are bought at a price, and that your body is not your own?" Yet, there are people who believe that homosexuality is okay and they're not hurting anything! Yet homosexuality is a sin against the body, and your body is NOT your own, and destroys the temple of God! Again, Satan wishes only to destroy this temple, this child of God! We are all children of God and Satan knows this!
Satan leads the distractions and deceptions. While watching and listening to this sermon, it helped me understand that there are too many distractions around me, and that I need to purge out Satan's influence of distractions. Which leads me back to my point, that God see's all and knows all! The fact that he see's all that we do everyday means that not just on His Sabbath day that he made FOR man, not MAN FOR THE SABBATH, that we should be doing everyday what we would be doing on the Sabbath. Now, in speaking of the Sabbath again, we understand that the Sabbath day should not be any different in your reverence for God, but what I was getting at was that the Sabbath is a day that God has allocated that it is Holy and that no work should be done, and none of your pleasures will be done on this day, because this day belongs to God! Since this day belongs to God it is a day that all your body mind and heart and soul should be specifically focused on Him, His law, and His teachings! If you give a birthday to your friends, family, or whomever, do you not make that day for them? Is that day not revered as a day that they are special, and that they are to be given happiness and congratulations and the focus remains on them? Why would you make a God of them on their birthday, yet you wouldn't make THE GOD's day revered in this way, but in a much higher respect? Birthday's are another discussion but they are traditions of the world and God does not observe them either. God told us, "thou shalt have no other Gods before me!" This means that on a birthday, that person is NOT to be made a God, and when you dedicate a day to someone for nothing only because they aged yet another year, you are making a god of this person and bringing gifts and offerings of cake. Correct me if I am wrong, but is this not how false gods are worshipped? With gifts, and foods of culinary specialties, sacrifices, and reverence?
It just leads me back to the point that God is to be revered in a way that no one or any thing would be revered! He is God and He made you! With all of your blessings, wouldn't you want to dedicate a day to Him in thanks for those blessings?

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